Constructive Law Contract Reviews

Fixed price contract reviews are a core service offered by Constructive Law.

Irrespective of the stage of the project at which you have been supplied with the proposed contract documentation (from bid stage right through to project completion and beyond), we are able to supply you with comprehensive tailored reporting in plain English which identifies onerous/atypical provisions that matter to you and how we suggest you tackle each.

Our turnaround times are rapid; time and again our clients confirm that the quality of the output of our reviews provides them with the insight and peace of mind they require to identify the next commercial steps and move forward. The thoroughness of our reporting means you can be confident you know the key points without having spent the time and effort of reviewing every word yourself.

We are experienced at reviewing and reporting on all construction documentation including any and all of the following:

  • Schedules of Amendment to all standard industry forms
  • Construction/Engineering Contracts
  • Terms & Conditions
  • Subcontracts
  • Consultancy Agreements
  • Professional Appointments
  • Development covenants e.g. within development agreements, facility agreements and agreements for lease
  • Collateral Warranties
  • Performance Bonds
  • Parent Company Guarantees
  • Escrow Letters
  • Letters of Intent
  • Third Party Rights Schedules

Contact us to obtain a fixed price fee proposal and projected timescale for our review of your next contract.

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